Sunday, July 20, 2008

Showcasing Older Books

In between questions, one of the things that I like to do at the library is to review the circulation statistics for books that I have particularly enjoyed. Often, they are books that were well reviewed but not terribly popular but I have often thought that one reason they are not popular is that they are not well known. If people could find out about these books, they would re-discover them and enjoy them too.

One book in this category for me, is Frankie's Place by Jim Sterba. It is about the courtship and marriage of Sterba and Frances Fitzgerald and is most centered in her place in Maine where they stay from June to October. This was a lovely book--about their romance, their lives as writers, their activities and friends in Maine and it also includes recipes. Good ones too--I copied some of them and made them myself.

This is also a great seasonal read. It is a book about summer and is terrific to read during that time of year. Of course, you can also read it in the winter when you are yearning for summer, but for this, this is a summer book.

But back to my original question: How do you share books like this with your reading public? Displays help but I would like to see something more proactive to help readers discover wonderful books that they might have missed the first time out.

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