Thursday, October 25, 2007

Why this blog?

I am in my third career and in graduate school for the second time. I bring to both of those years of education, professional experience and lifelong interests which makes my experience of my new career and my new graduate school experience slightly different from my colleagues in work and school.

After undergraduate school (BA in Anthropology) I worked at a family therapy clinic. However, it was not just a family therapy clinic but one of the best in the world and clinicians came from all over the world to train there. It was a fascinating experience and taught me about people, families, and how one could love one's work. And, it taught me about video which was my actual job.

I took a Master's in Technical and Scientific Communications and went to work at AT&T Bell Laboratories--I stayed at Bell Labs for 18 years through the various permutations of AT&T, finally retiring from Lucent Technologies. There, I learned more about people, organization, organizations, how to write books and how to manage people who wrote them.

Now, I am getting a Master's in Library Science and am working at a library in central New Jersey where I live. All of my lessons from the past are useful here and add to those a life-time love of reading and an interest in applying technology to make information accessible to people and I feel like I have arrived at the right time in the right profession.

This blog will be about libraries, graduate school, what I am reading and trends that I think can and should be applied to libraries and it is an opportunity to continue writing because communication is an important part of any job or school program.

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